New Customers,
Interest Free Credit,
Grow Your Business.

BBX is a business tool that guarantees new customers, and reduces costs, through a preferred supplier community.

As seen and heard on

What is most important to you…



Interest Free Credit

Help keep the bank manager off your back with interest free credit paid back with new customers. Click here.




New Customers

A helping hand to win more customers
[guaranteed!]. Click here.



Improved Lifestyle

You started a new business for a better lifestyle. See how BBX can help. Click here.


New Start Business


Launching Your Business

A helping hand to win more customers
[guaranteed!]. Click here.


Selling Your Business


Increased Value

BBX can help grow your turnover and improve profits enabling you to sell your business for more. Click here.




Enhanced Profits

Additional funding to grow the business, gain a better lifestyle or sell for more. Click here.

Growth: So you want more customers?

Bringing in new customers can be a challenge in today’s crowded markets, whatever you’re selling.There’s lots of ways to win new customers yourself, but that’s incredibly time consuming. You know you can outsource marketing, but with a hefty price tag.

Apart from marketing, you could focus on building connections and networking to find clients, but again, that’s time you could spend on improving your business.

Getting new customers is going to either cost you a lot of time, or a lot of money, and there is no guarantee.

So you are probably wishing there was an easier and more cost effective way about it?


Interest Free Credit: Looking for business finance?

If you’re anything like most SME owners, you’ve probably lost sleep over at least one of these scenarios:

  • Cashflow problems, not having enough cash in your business to function smoothly.
  • Not knowing how to grow your business or how to fund the expansion.
  • Needing funds to invest on updating your equipment and technology.
  • Pulling your hair out due to late payments or bad debt from customers.
  • Your slow season is getting longer and busy season shorter leaving a massive cash gap.

These are valid worries. Cash can disappear and be agonizingly slow to come in, and sometimes a loan feels like the best option to help you through those times….. is it though?


Started a New Business: Do you want business networking?

When you first started your business, you most likely had a small circle of connections that covered your business needs. As you’ll know if you have been or are a business owner that you gather more responsibility and needs for more services as you grow.

Sometimes it can be hard to take that first step into a new network.

  • How do you approach people to network?
  • How do you step into a new circle?
  • Will I fit into the community?
  • Will this event come around often enough?


Improved Lifestyle: What do you sacrifice for your business?

Most business owners make huge sacrifices when it comes to keeping cash in their business. Family time can be one of the things so neglected, but is this healthy?

Reports suggest you should take time out of the business to recharge both physically and mentally on a regular basis. Also, by spending quality time with family and taking it easier, rather than pure toil and graft 24/7, you can cultivate a much healthier environment for you and those around you.

How would you like to fund your lifestyle while retaining cash in the business?


Increase the Re-sale Value of Your Business!

Your business is your life’s work a lot of the time, and if not, then a large chunk of your life. So it’s only fair that when you look to exit, you look for the best value possible, right?Well, most businesses today would be valued on a combination of different factors including: multiple of average yearly net profit, balance sheet asset value, number of regular customers.

BBX helps businesses improve on all 3 of these fronts!


Enhanced Profits: Are you looking for ways to improve your profits?

As the familiar saying goes, “turnover is vanity, but profit is sanity”.So what is there to do in such a competitive environment?

With new competition springing from holes in the ground and costs are rising faster than you’re able to pass it on to customers, how can you stop squeezing your margins?

What if you have an asset hidden in your business, that if uncovered could double your overall profits?

Well good news; most businesses do!


Would you like to book a demo?

Enter your details below and a BBX representative will get in touch to see if your business qualifies. Alternatively call 0333 400 2014.

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    FREE Spare Capacity Calculators
    * Calculate the Maximum Capacity of your business
    * Calculate the amount of Spare Capacity you have each year
    * View our tools available to capture Spare Capacity
    * Calculators available for all business types
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