Here is how we help you to get KNOWN, get PAID and make an IMPACT
where experts can collaborate, support each other, grow their businesses and make the world a better place
Here is the program Webinar Conversion Accelerator.
The Only Training That Will Help You Create & Launch Your High Converting Webinar & Offer In 14 Days
DATE: 5-12-19 November
Time: 5pm – 8pm GMT 12pm – 3pm EST
Here are The Bonuses That You Get When You Join The Webinar Conversion Accelerator!
Live Webinar Creation Workshop
The High-Converting Webinar Framework and Webinar Creation Workshop will will help you put together all the elements of a high-converting presentation so you can be sure that your webinar will have the right content, trigger points and call to action to WOW your audience and get them to buy from you.
($500 Value)
BONUS #1: Live High-Converting Offer Creation Workshop
Your offer will make or break your webinar.
During this live workshop you will create the high-converting offer to sell during the webinar to maximise sales and get clients.
($500 Value)
BONUS #2: Live Marketing And Sales Funnel Creation Workshop
Creating a high-converting webinar funnel is the key to guarantee registrations, attendees and sales.
During this live workshop we will create the marketing and sales material to market your webinar and sell your offer effectively.
($500 Value)
BONUS #3: High-Converting Webinar Slide Template
The High-Converting Slide Template will help you create your presentation step-by-step removing the guess work, so that in less than 24hrs you can be ready to deliver your new, shiny content without stressing out.
($200 Value)
BONUS #4: ChatGPT Marketing & Sales Templates
The sale happens in the follow up… and you know it. This is why we have included our highest converting marketing and follow up templates to generate interest, conversations and conversion from your webinar and maximise your revenues using AI.
($200 Value)
BONUS #5: ChatGPT Webinar Prompts
Do you get stuck when thinking about what webinar you could create?
Our ChatGPT webinar prompts are designed to help you create your full webinar presentation with ChatGPT in minutes so you can get moving even if you feel stuck.
($500 Value)
BONUS #6: Webinar Tech Funnel Building Session.
Is tech in the way? Or do you want to find a better and more streamlined way to set up your webinars?
We got you covered with our Webinar Funnel Building session where we will give you the software you need to schedule and run your webinars.
($500 Value)
EXCLUSIVE BONUS #7: 1 to 1 Webinar Review Session
After completing the Webinar Conversion Accelerator we will review your webinar and offer to give our final feedback so you can be confident and ready to press “LIVE”.
($1,000 Value)
The Total Value Of The Bonuses Amounts To More Than $3,900 In Absolute Value!
And you will get the Webinar Conversion Accelerator for only…
Get The Webinar Conversion Accelerator today!