Below are some basic tips to get the most out of your account.
First: Talk to your account manager on a weekly basis. Although our account managers will do their best to communicate with you on a monthly basis, BBX clients who get the most value proactively call their account manager. Especially before making a purchase. BBX won’t be able to provide everything you ask for but if it is only one in five that would still be a significant 20% cash saving in the business.
Second: Understand your cost of BBX pound. If you don’t understand what your cost of BBX pound is then you are probably only trading at 20% of the level you should be or worse not trading at all. Click here to read more on cost of BBX and how to work yours out.
Three: Read the email promotions. Spare capacity is a moving conveyorbelt. What you see today could be totally different tomorrow. Some BBX clients set up a rule on their mailbox to file away BBX promotional emails to read later.
Four: Attend BBX networking and Exhibition events. You will surprised how many business owners you will meet that you can do business with. Either selling to or buying from.
Five: Use the trading tools such as the app, online directory and marketplace to find services.
Six:Take the time to read the Trading Tips below and implement one each month.