Buki will be hosting coaching webinars for sales professionals on the following dates:
In this powerful webinar, Buki Mosaku shows brokers how to secure more face to face and telephone meetings in order to increase access to target decision makers and drive new business
As a result of attending, delegates will:
Gain greater access to targeted prospects across the professions
Find the Decision Maker
Get 90% of voicemail messages returned
Get 75% of messages left with a gatekeeper returned
Anticipate and turn around objections
Gain more qualified appointments
Use email effectively as a prospecting tool
How to effectively follow up emails and e-shots in order to secure appointments
Focus the call and close for the appointment
Get through the gatekeepers
Receive more returned calls
Handle voice mail
Work ratios more effectively
Develop an effective, comfortable, personal approach
Develop compelling business reasons in the opening of their calls
Immediate ROI through meetings secured during the session
To register please speak with Buki on 07470335375 or email bm@rosacad.com
Alternatively speak with Rayhaan Johnson on 0120 283 6065 or rayhaan.johnson@bbxworld.com
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.