MINHORFLOR Soluble Multi Compost
Slow Release Organic Nutrients
Only 66 units left
Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor and Outdoor Evergreen Plants, Fern Tree, Lawns, Flowers
The Best Liquid Fertilizer Your Money Can Buy!
Let your plants get a performance boost with MINHORFLOR Fertilizer. This house plant food has been carefully researched and mixed to the right balance for the growth of your indoor and outdoor plants.
It works by boosting soil bacteria and Strong Root Growth stimulation.
FERTILIZER COMPOSITION: This Plant Food is an ideal Fertilizer for Indoor and outdoor plants with the right amounts of Nitrogen (N) 23 g / Kg. Phosphorus (P) 8.47g / Kg. Potassium (K) 25.8g / Kg Calcium (Ca) 38. 6g / Kg Magnesium (Mg) 8.27g / Kg. It is a suitable House Plant Food, Tree Food, and liquid lawn feed plant fertilizer.
RICH NUTRIENT PROFILE AND GOOD PH LEVEL: MINHORFLOR Liquid Fertilizer contains many micronutrients and biological materials needed for plant growth & production. With a PH of 8.7, this fertilizer for flowers is the best organic plant food out there.
100% RISK-FREE: This liquid plant food fertilizer is 100% safe and won’t burn or destroy your delicate herbs if inadvertently applied in excess of the recommended dose. MINHORFLOR is highly tolerable making it the best grass fertilizer option for your garden.
EASY TO USE: To use this plant Food/fertilizer for hedge, flowers, and house plants, simply mix a tablespoonful (10g) of the solid product into a sprayer containing 0.5L of water, let it rest for 3 days for some of the water-soluble nutrients to be released. Thereafter, you can spray your garden with the rose food lawn fertilizer mixture once a week.
BEST SLOW RELEASE HOUSE PLANT FOOD: Our Nitrogen Fertilizer Liquid Plant Food boosts development in seedlings, floral / ornamentals, and food crops, and gives you the satisfaction of watching your plants flourish with beautiful, healthy and luxurious looking foliage and flowers. Buy with confidence.
Only £16 BBX per pack! Only 66 units left. Collection to be arranged.
Please contact Ana directly at Eco Camping and Leisure for more details on anapaires@gmail.com or 07981 147 460.
Alternatively, Jason Brown from BBX on jason.brown@bbxworld.com or 01202836065