The charity helping young people with Learning Disabilities and Autism

Supporting People With Learning Disabilities

Donate some £ BBX to help Style Acre achieve helping everyone with learning disabilities! EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE FAIR AND EASY LIFE.

To work with others to create communities where people with learning disabilities and Autism are valued as equals and given every opportunity to fulfil their potential and live the life they choose.

Style Acre is a charity which provides person-centered high quality support for over 250 people with learning disabilities and autism.

Each and every individual we support is valued and helped to lead a meaningful life whilst realizing their potential.

We work with families and carers to provide the best possible experience for people we support.

Style Acre is committed to enabling the people we support make choices about their lives.

Style Acre provides supported living, dynamic day service hubs and a successful work programme as well as speech and language support for those with communication difficulties for adults with learning disabilities and autism across Oxfordshire.

Our work programme provides work experience supports people to undertake work experience in our own social enterprises or with local companies.

With an excellent reputation within the learning disability and charity sector, the community and social services, Style Acre is considered a forward-looking organization, committed to developing new services and working in partnership with individuals and their families.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator for adult health and social care services,  rated Style Acre ‘outstanding’ following a recent inspection. Less than 2% of adult social care services nationally have achieved this rating and this recognizes the hard work and dedication of our staff.  The report says: “There were many examples of peoples’ lives being transformed through accessing activities. Everyone spoke of the openness of the service and without exception, people felt valued and listened to.”

For more information on how to get involved please contact

Anne-Maria at Style Acre on 07570 322605 or email

If you wish to kindly donate some BBX, please contact

 Hilton Harris from BBX on 020 3746 2917 or

We will call you ASAP
Or you can call us on 0333 400 2014
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