What is it?
Impact is a new digital and innovative donation service that Members use to secure card linked cash back that they choose to donate to their chosen UK charity.
The service is web based and has an IOS and Android app. The user registers their payment card(s) PAN number + a mobile number only. Following a short sign up the membership will process all cash back from participating retailers on the members behalf automatically.
Why should I join?
You are invited to participate in the program and access new customers who are loyal to their causes and are likely to continue their loyalty with participating merchants on promotions, flash sales or exclusive member deals. We can send you terms and conditions but no cost unless there is a sale.
Impact are creating new ways to engage with customers to retain them. Our bespoke model will create revenue to the participant merchants greater than the cash back provided to the member.
Join Us
Your early commitment would be appreciated as we are launching to a considerable number of channel partners we have contracted with.
Please click this link to review our presentation and we will be in touch soon.
What does it Cost?
When you agree to be a IMPACT merchant, IMPACT will market your services UK wide. When a IMPACT member spends money with you you agree to donate a % of that sale to their chosen charity via the IMPACT App normally between 2-5%. There is an IMPACT admin fee of 1% but payable in BBX.
A £100 sterling sale you might pay £2 sterling to charity via IMPACT & £1 BBX to IMPACT.
Contact Jon Bowles on jonbowles@impactapp.org.uk
Daniel Beisly on 01256 830 720 daniel.beisly@bbxworld.com
Visit www.impactapp.org.uk for more information and explore other services
Alternatively, contact Nagendra Mishra on 7913027482