Promote your Business Through Content
Reach the audience your Company Deserves
Promote News helps you get your companies message out to a huge audience, either local or worldwide. We have over half a million followers on all the top social media platforms and access to a million journalists worldwide. Get in touch today to see how we can help you reach both new and existing clients effectively.
Visit our website here for more information
Unlike other press release and news distribution sites, Promote News also distributes to our major social media platforms and with over half a million fans, followers and connections on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram to name but a few and covering numerous categories we ensure that your news, stories and promotions get in front of those that matter. We also have access to a million journalists throughout the world should you require a more extensive service. Contact us today to arrange a no obligation demo and find out more.
For more information speak with Mark on 07929 005806 or email
Alternatively speak with Juan at BBX on 01395 642387 or email