Do you want new business referrals?
Imagine a steady flow of leads coming into your business, where the sales cycle is short, customers are pre-sold, and all you need to do is deliver your service at a high quality to ensure that that flow increases with every new customer you bring on board.
Sounds great right?
Well, the good news is that we all have that within easy reach.
And that’s because referrals and word of mouth introductions are THEE best type of lead you can receive into your business. They already trust your brand, and your reputation and services have already been pre-sold by someone who’s actually experienced them.
In a recent survey 62% of business owners said that referrals played a key part of their lead generation,
and a further 29% said it was in the mix and wanted to grow.
That’s more than 9 out of 10 business owners seeing it as a vital branch of their growth strategy.
But very few had an actual strategy behind it.
You can solve that with the Collaboration Junkie repeat referral workshop.
It’s an interactive session that you’ll come away with the confidence, skills and practical processes to consistently ask for, and receive, the right referrals into your business.
For more information or to book,
contact Dave Plunkett on 07904 330628 or 01793 299076
Or email