Helpful Hounds Assistance Dogs


A BBX Member, Helpful hounds Assistance Dogs, is training dogs to help young people with Special Needs.


Helpful Hounds Assistance Dogs, trains and socializes the Assistance Dogs to improve the quality of life for children with a range of conditions.

Izzy, who has complex conditions including autism and ADHD, said her Assistance Dog, Jessie, and her “Best Friend” has proved invaluable and changed her life.


“If there’s a noise, Jessie will help me and make feel calmer. Jessie is very important to me, she’s my best, best friend,” she said.

Mum Carla, said: “Jessie is a focus point for Izzy, once Izzy is out and about and things become overwhelming, Jessie is there for her – which helps to reduce her anxiety.”

Carmela has muscular dystrophy which restricts her movement, but her Assistance Dog, Tinker, has given her greater independence.

Carmela’s dog Tinker helps remove her socks as she “can’t bend down to reach them”

“When I was young without Tinker, I felt moody, sad, alone and I just generally didn’t feel very good. But with Tinker now, she makes me feel happy, excited and definitely makes me laugh,” she said.

Mum Lucy added: “We know what teenagers are like, they don’t want their mum to get involved with too many things so having Tinker being able to do certain things for Carmela is a huge help for me, so I don’t get my head bitten off.”

Trainer Vicky said: “The relationship and bond between the person… and the dog has to be really quite solid.

“We want to make sure the dogs are able to keep the children… feeling happy, content and grounded.

“It’s hard work and funding in particular has been fundamental to our help over the years – so please keep supporting us it really helps us.”

Helpful Hounds relies on donations to bring these service dogs to those in need, any assistance would make a huge difference


Name: Peter Rufus

Contact #: 07967147492



Alternatively, contact Nick at BBX on 01202836061 | 0333 400 2014 |

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