Psychometric testing is an invaluable tool for employers in gaining tactical insights into its labour force.
Typical advantages of this are; Highly cost and time saving, Unbiased approach, Helps to pick the right person, Improves efficiency.
In short, Psychometric helps to stay ahead of the curve in terms cementing your workforce foundations however, it’s easy and cheap to acquire the tests; is it easy to understand?
Discover Beyond Ltd can guide you through the tough challenges of interpreting the results. Whether you are in the recruitment process or considering organisational restructuring or resolving systemic culture challenges, you may want interpersonal development tools that boost your resources and Discover Beyond are best placed to assist you through this.
We can help with the following
- The rationale behind the test
- The theory the test is based on
- The administration of the test (ease and possible issues)
- The reliability of the test (including test-retest and internal consistency)
- The validity of the test (including face, construct and criterion-related validity)
- The extent to which the reliability and validity studies can be extrapolated to your reason for using the test
- Whether the test is likely to be a useful predictor of your competencies and if so, to what extent
- The likely benefit from using the test, given its cost